Posts Tagged ‘MIGS’

  • My HTML5 Game Development In-depth session at the Montreal International Games Summit 2013

    migs I’m happy to say that I’ll be speaking at the Montreal International Games Summit this year. My session is called HTML5 Game Development In-depth and is on November 11th from 2.45pm – 3.45pm in Room 520B. Here is the link for your MIGS planner.

    This will be my first time attending MIGS. Actually, it will be my first time in Canada, and I’m really looking forward to it.

    Usually I tend to be asked to present “beginner” level HTML5 development sessions. But this time they specifically asked me to avoid the “why?” side of things and just dive right in to the “How”.

    So I’ll be looking at the different platforms involved (yes, there is more than one :)), the technology choices, the libraries and frameworks that help solve specific issues and some common pitfalls to avoid. I’m not going to delve into just one framework in depth, as I feel that will narrow what you’ll get out of the session. So I won’t just stand there going on about Phaser for an hour (sorry! I know some of you asked if I would :)). Instead I will use more of a shotgun approach, scattering you with a collection of tools and suggestions on when to use them.

    My hope is that you can walk away from my session with at least a bunch of new github repos to claw down and experiment with, and hopefully a deeper understanding of the processes involved in HTML5 game creation – and fundamentally how the destination platform dictates which processes are needed.

    If you’re going to be attending MIGS 10 and would like to meet-up then please either come and see me after my session or grab me on twitter.